Just selling used machines? No.

At Peerless, we take the extra time to listen to the customer’s needs in order to complete the job on time with a happy customer.

For example, a customer application came up that was well suited for a machine on our floor. The machine was perfect in the regard to the application and budget. As we got further into the project, working with the customer they requested a bar loader, not the bar feeder that was presented. We got that done by getting the right barloader for the job. A little further the volume was a concern for the customer to run lights out. Peerless solution was to add a bundle loader to the system. Done.

The team effort and communication were key to the success of:

  • Appropriate Machine

  • Hitting required cycle and tolerance

  • Adding Accessories

  • Last but not least, within budget

But don't take our word for it; here is what one of our loyal customers has to say.

“Paul called and just ordered his second machine in less that 4 months!! Must be a reason! Peerless provided the first Swiss here and now two.”

“George bought a C16 from us last year. Several months go by and a call from George wanting another. “That machine has not stopped and rock solid ”.

The Peerless service tech did a fantastic job for us today and had us up and running very quickly today. He was professional and seemed very knowledgeable about the older machines. I would welcome Peerless back here anytime! It’s a breath of fresh air for once knowing that there are still people doing business that really care about supporting their customers even after the sale and you guys most certainly do!! For that, I applaud Peerless Machinery, you and your team.”

— Doug, H & H Tube